Remarkable Corvettes
On the internet, you can find a lot on Corvettes. You can even find a lot on Corvette prototypes. However, you can't find all prototypes collected in one place. On this site, you can! My site is called “Remarkable Corvettes” because I want to collect information about prototypes and other very special Corvettes. In the list of prototypes I also included a few non-Corvette models. They are here because they contributed significantly to the history of Corvette. I want to collect as many of them as possible and I want to know all about them!
This site is a continuation of, which was ended when GM Europe asked for their domain back ;-)
Feel free to e-mail me if you know of a special Corvette or prototype that has not been mentioned here or if you have additional information on the collected cars.

Special thanks to:
* Michel van Osenbruggen of Bit Internet Technology
for letting me use this domain and hosting this site.
* Joffrey Ofman, Aart Timmer and Henri Kroeze
for their contributions on the site, on which this site is based.
* Wayne Ellwood
for supplying me with tons of pictures and info on prototypes and special Corvettes.
* Michael Westenberg
for explaining the COPO, FSO and SO codes.
* Jeroen van Geffen
for his info on multiple Callaway models.
* Ken Polsson's Chronology of Chevrolet Corvettes
for his extensive history on this car.
This site is completely made on a Mac with Rapidweaver.
Have fun!
Mario van Ginneken